How to Add Reengagement Activity

How to Add Reengagement Activity

Reengagement activity provides a way for you to remind students to return to the course and complete activities. You can also use this plugin to selectively release timed content in a course.

Note: User experience for teachers using this plugin is not ideal - although powerful, it is hard to understand and get working as you expect. For a list of known issues with the plugin see the GitHub tracker:

How to use the Reengagement Activity?

Step 1: Go to the course/unit where you want to setup the reminder.

Step 2: Choose a topic section where you want to add the reengagement

Step 3: Click "add an activity or resource and then choose reengagement from the list

Note: Once added, Reengagement activity is hidden from students by default

Set Reengagement details

Access Restrictions
The Email delay can be based on the user enrolment date or a previous activity completion. If you want to use the enrolment date then don't set up any access restrictions on this Re-engagement; each user's timer will start after they enrol in the course. If you want the delay to be based on a previous activity completion you should set that activity as an access restriction to this Reengagment activity; each user's timer will start after they complete the dependencies.

Email User setting
Set "Notify User" to "After Delay" and set the "Notification delay" period. The notification delay determines when the e-mail reminder will be sent based on the previous event (enrolment or activity completion)

Target Activity
Set "Target Activity" - this is the activity that you want to remind the user they must complete - if this activity is flagged as complete within the course then no e-mail reminder will be sent. NOTE: The "Target Activity" selection box does not appear until the "Suppress notification if target activity complete" box is checked (it is located under the 'Notification content (Third-party)' text box.

Timed release
If you want to release a quiz within your course to individual users after a set period (e.g. 1 week after assignment completion) you use the "Activity completion" settings within the course.
  1. set the Reengagement duration to the time period you want e.g. 1 week
  2. set access restrictions to the reengagement to allow access after assignment is complete (or no access restrictions means start timer after enrolment)
  3. set access restrictions to the quiz so that it is available only after the re-engagement is complete.
Email place holders
When configuring the e-mails sent from the plugin there are limited place holders you can use. If need to use them properly wrap them with "percentage" (%) symbols. Available substitutions are given below

Permissions "receive notification" was removed from the codebase in GitHub (3/2018) "Start Reengagement" is given to students and controls which users in the course will be listed in the re engagement activity.

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