How to Import Question to Quiz in Moodle v2

How to Import Question to Quiz in Moodle v2

Note:  You need Teacher or Manager access before you can perform this action.

Import Quiz Questions to Moodle Using the Aiken Format

The Aiken format lets you create multiple-choice or true-false questions using a simple, human readable format that you can save as a plain text file and import into a Moodle.

Write Questions in the Aiken Format

1. Write your questions in a word-processing application (e.g., MS Word) or a text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac OS X), and format as follows: 
  1. The question must be all on one line.
  2. Each answer must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period "." or a right parenthesis ")", then a space.
  3. The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER: " (with a space after the colon) and then giving the letter for the correct answer. Note: The word "ANSWER" and the answer letters (A,B,C etc.) must be capitalized as shown, otherwise the import will fail.

2. Use Save As to save your questions as a .txt (plain text) file in UTF-8 format.


Import Questions into the Moodle Question Bank

Once you have saved your text file, you can import your questions into the Moodle Question Bank:

Step 1: Log into Moodle and open the course where you would like to add questions.

Step 2: In the Course Administration menu bar, click More then Question Bank. 

Step 3: On the next page then click Import from the drop down. The Import questions from file page will open.

Step 4: For File format, select Aiken Format or if you exported from the questions and used Moodle XML, select that format as well.

(Note: To learn more about the other quiz formats, click the question button  below/beside a specific file format)

Step 5: Click the General heading to expand the settings and for Import category, select a Category (or use Default for course). 

Under Import questions from file, drag and drop your .txt file onto the blue arrow in the Import box, or alternately, click Choose a file.... to browse for the .txt file on your computer. 

Step 6: Click Import. You will see a page with the message "importing (# of) question(s) from file," with a list of the questions.

Step 7: Click Continue. Your Question Bank will open. You can now further edit the questions or include the questions in a quiz.

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