How to Publish Course or Activity as LTI Tool v2
Note: You need Manager access before you can perform this action.
The 'Publish as LTI tool' enrolment plugin, together with the LTI authentication plugin, allows remote users on a different site (known as an LTI consumer) to access selected courses and activities. In other words, Moodle functions as an LTI tool provider. Grades are sent back to the remote system.
Sharing Access to a Course or Activity
1. Go to the your Course > Participants > Enrolment methods > then Add method below, choose 'Publish as LTI tool' as an enrolment method.
2. In 'Tool to be published' select the course or activity to be shared.
3. Scroll down and click the 'Add method' button.
4. Go to the chosen Course > More> Published as LTI tools page and make a note of the launch details or the registration URL for the LTI consumer site (see below for info on which to choose).
For LTI Consumer Site:
You will also need to give the LTI consumer site a consumer key - this can be anything you want.
The LTI consumer can be another Moodle site or any other LTI-consumer-compliant LMS. Depending on the requirements of the LTI consumer, you can provide either a cartridge URL (also called configuration URL) plus secret OR a launch URL (new in Moodle 3.5.2) OR a registration URL.
Note: Please contact Support Team via if you wish to use this for the team to configure your system.
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