How to Setup a Custom Certificate Activity v2

How to Setup a Custom Certificate Activity v2

Note:  You need Teacher or Manager access before you can perform this action

This activity allows for the dynamic generation of PDF certificates.

How to Add Custom Certificate Activity

To create a Custom Certificate activity within a course page follow the steps below:

Step 1: To start making changes on your course page, toggle the 'Edit Mode' to turn editing on.

Step 2: Once the edit mode is activated, you can either choose to edit an existing topic or add a new one.
Adding a topic:

Step 3: Click on Add an activity or resource.

Step 4: Choose Custom Certificate from the Activities list.

Step 5: Fill out the information needed and adjust the settings for the custom certificate.

(Mandatory field) enter the name of the Custom Certificate activity in the name text box.
Enter a relevant description in the “Description” text area that describes the Custom Certificate if needed.

Delivery options
- Send the file inline to the browser
- Send to the browser and force a file download
Email students
Select ‘Yes’ if you would like Custom certificates to be emailed to the students.
Email teachers
Select ‘Yes’ if you would like Custom certificates to be emailed to the teachers.
Email others
Enter the email address of other recipients to receive a custom certificate.
Allow anyone to verify a certificate
Select ‘Yes’ if you would like any person to verify a Custom certificate. (Person requires certificate verification link).
Required minutes in course
Enter the time that a student must be logged in before they can receive their custom certificate.
Set protection
(checkboxes) This option prevents users from performing the actions ticked as checked, checkboxes includes:

• Print
• Modify
• Copy

The availability option permits students to view and access assignments and resources, there are two options available:

• Show on course page
• Hide from students

ID number
The ID number can be entered to reference the same ID number from a third-party package especially gradebook. Otherwise, the field may be left blank.
Force LanguageIf you force a language in a course, the interface of Moodle in this course will be in this particular language, even if a student has selected a different preferred language in his/her personal profile.

Teachers may restrict students from accessing lessons and resources based upon a set of conditions. These conditions may be based on whether an activity has been completed or not, date restrictions when lessons can commence, a specified grade to be achieved, a certain user profile, or a set of nested restrictions based on the below settings.

Restrictions can be one, two or all of the following criterion:

Completion tracking
There are three options available:

• Do not indicate activity completion
• Students can manually mark the activity as completed
• Show activity as complete when conditions are met

Require view
(checkbox) If enabled, student must view this activity to complete it.
Expect completed on
This setting specifies the date when the activity is expected to be completed.

Tags will allow students and teachers to connect to other courses and content being offered.

Competencies will not be available unless they have been set up at a course level. Administrators can set up competency frameworks and add competencies within the framework. Teachers can also add competencies to courses and course activities.

Course competencies
Course competencies allow you to search for competencies that you’d like to link to your existing activity.
Upon activity completion
There are four options to select once an assignment has been completed:

• Do nothing
• Attach evidence
• Send for review
• Complete the competency

Send content change notificationTick the box to notify course participants about this new or changed activity or resource. Only users who can access the activity or resource will receive notiofication.

Step 6: Once everything is set, click Save and return to course.

The Custom Certificate activity that has been created will now be displayed in the section where you selected ‘Add an activity or resource’.

How to Edit Custom Certificate Activity

To edit the certificate design, click the custom certificate activity, select Edit Certificate on the submenu.

Editing a certificate

Adding a border image

Since the drop down defaults to background image, simply select Add element to enter the settings page for adding a background image.

Main certificate page

Once in the settings, upload an image via the File Picker or drag the image into the empty space. Note: You won't be able to select your image from the drop down until you save the settings first.

Image settings page.

After you save the settings, go back into the element and you can select the image from the drop down.

You are now able to select the image from the drop down.



Adding elements

Once on the edit certificate page, from the drop down menu, select and element and click Add element and configure the element and save the changes to return to the certificate page. The element should appear on the screen.

Drop down menu with element options

Element Options

Background Image: An image to use as the certificate background (MUST be placed first, as it will overlayer every other element.

Border: A border around the certificate

Category Name: Name of the course category

Code: Certificate code

Course Name: Name of the completed course

Date: The date the course was completed

Digital Signature: A digitally applied signature

Grade: Grade student achieved

Grade item name: The name of the item that was graded

Image: An image can be uploaded onto the certificate

Student Name: The name of the student awarded the certificate

Teacher Name: The name of the teacher awarding the certificate

Text: Custom text

User Field: A user's profile field (Address, email, etc.)

User Picture: The user's profile picture 

Created element on the main certificate page, with the option to edit or delete the element

Moving elements

Once all the elements are placed on the certificate, they will need to be moved, as they appear on the certificate on the top left corner.

To move the elements, click the Reposition elements link above the element drop down.


Elements are repositioned by clicking on them and dragging them around the certificate to the position you would like them in.

Element editing screen


Click Save and Close to save changes.


Adding a template

The certificates also have the option of having a template created, allowing you to only need to create a design once, and then through a drop down box, apply that design to multiple courses.

To create a template, click Manage templates on the certificate page to go to the templates page and then click Add template.



You will be taken to a page similar to the main certificate page. You create a template the same way you would create a certificate.

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