Create Course User Groups
How to create a grouping and add groups to a grouping v2
Note: You need Teacher or Manager access before you can perform this action. How to Create a Grouping A grouping is a collection of groups within a course. Groupings allows you to direct tasks at one or more groups in your course so that they can ...
How to Assign Users to a Group v2
Note: You need Teacher or Manager access before you can perform this action. Go to How to Create a Group, if you want to learn more about group creation within a course. Below are the steps to assign users to an existing group within a course, Step ...
How to Create a Group v2
Note: You need Teacher or Manager access before you can perform this action. Below are the steps to create a group within a course: Step 1. Enter the course you want to create the group within. Step 2. Click on the 'Participants' on the course menu ...