How to Use AI Grading

How to Use AI Grading

What is AI Grading - AI Grading is a powerful LMS AI tool that aims to assist the trainer/grader to decide whether student answers are Satisfactory or not. This tool leverages large language models to assess the answers provided by learners and provide feedback. This feature is currently limited to Essay type quiz questions. AI Grading provides consistent, objective feedback evaluations while freeing up educators' time for more personalized student engagement.

How it Works:
Once this feature is enabled on a quiz, it will generate marking feedback to all essay question types that are not yet graded within the quiz. This would also include submissions/attempts created prior to the activation of the feature (as long as the essay answers/submissions were not yet graded).

Key points to remember when using AI Grading:

• The AI Grading checks for new ungraded submissions every 2 hours.
• This feature is only available for Quiz type activity (specifically to 'Essay' question type).
• New AI graded submissions will appear in the AI Grading screen (see information below). Assessors are required to review AI assessment judgments and feedback and accept where they agree with the grading outcome.
• It is highly recommended to use the "Block attempts if previous attempt is not yet graded" setting alongside AI Grading, this is because AI Grading would only provide grading suggestions based on student's last attempt:

• You may visit this link to learn How to Setup a Quiz Activity
• You may also visit this link to know more about How to Mark an Essay Type of Quiz

How to activate AI Grading

Step 1: Go to the course and choose the Quiz where you want this feature activated:

Step 2: Go to Quiz Settings, scroll the page down until you see the 'Extra restriction on attempts'. Choose Yes from the 'AI grade for essay question type' drop down menu:

Step 3: Click 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and Display' to save/apply the changes:

AI Grading is now activated for the essay question type of your quiz.

How to check for AI Grading

Important: The AI Grading checks for new ungraded submissions every 2 hours, upon a successful student attempt submission, please wait within this time frame for it to generate AI grading feedback.
Step 1: On your LMS Menu Click on the AI Grading tab

Step 2: From the list of feedback, choose which specific AI grading you would want to view by clicking the Grade button on the Action column

Step 3: A pop up window will appear, click on 'Make comment or override mark as shown in the screenshot below:

The page will now show you the AI Grading (AI Marking Decision)
AI grading does not handle partial grading, it only provides grading suggestion based on right or wrong answers:
· If answer is correct, AI grading will suggest for maximum allowed grade
· If answer is incorrect or partially incorrect, AI grading will suggest 0

Step 4: Clicking on the 'Accept' button will allow the AI Grading to apply the suggestion to the comment section and add the Mark (highest mark) based on the feedback accordingly:

Step 5: Make sure to click on the 'Save' button to apply changes.

How to create a good marking guide

Results of the AI Grading suggestions relies heavily on Grades information part (how marking guide was contextualised).
A good marking guide should have the following components:

Reiteration of the candidate's instructions

Reiterates the task to help align AI with what the candidates are instructed to do.
If the question says: Define photosynthesis, the reiteration will say:

Marking guide
The candidate must define photosynthesis.

Statement for satisfactory performance
Defines what a satisfactory answer should look like. There are three ways to write this, depending on the expected range of acceptable answers:
Precise answer required
Used when there is only one correct answer, requiring the response to match exactly. It is suitable for questions where factual accuracy is critical.

   What is the capital of France?
■   True/false; yes/no questions
■   Identify the five controls in the Hierarchy of Control

For satisfactory performance, the candidate's response must exactly be [correct answer]
For satisfactory performance, the candidate's responses must include all/## of the following, in any order:
   [Benchmark answer 1]
   [Benchmark answer 2]

For satisfactory performance, the candidate's responses must include all of the following in the correct order:
a)    [Benchmark answer 1]
b)    [Benchmark answer 2]
Wording variations allowed

Applicable when there's still one correct answer, but it can be expressed in different ways.

  Explain Newton's third law of motion
  Define photosynthesis

For satisfactory performance, although wording may vary slightly, the candidate's response must be consistent with the benchmark answer/s provided below:
[Benchmark answer/s]
For satisfactory performance, although wording may vary, the candidate's response must be aligned with the thought and meaning of the benchmark answer/s provided below:
[Benchmark answer/s]
Criteria-based responses
Used for more open-ended questions where a range of answers can be correct, provided they meet certain specified criteria.

  Outline three ways to study effectively
  Describe the economic impact of tourism in coastal regions
  Describe the role of leadership in organisational success

Responses will vary. For satisfactory performance, the candidate's response must:
  [Criterion 1]
  [Criterion 2]
  [Additional criteria as needed]
Model answers are provided below for the assessor's reference:
[Model answer/s]

This statement is followed by the criteria for marking the candidate's responses (the non-negotiables). The criteria should be directly related to the question and not exceed its scope. The AI grading system will check if these criteria are met, and missing any can result in the response being marked as unsatisfactory.

Additional marking instructions (only if applicable)
Used to provide specific guidance on how to handle unique or complex aspects of a response that may not be covered under the standard marking criteria.
Example (highlighted below):

Responses will vary. For satisfactory performance, the candidate's response must:

 ■ [Criterion 1]

 ■ [Criterion 2]

 ■ [Additional criteria as needed]

Model answers are provided below for the assessor's reference:

[Model answer/s]

[Additional marking instructions go here. For example:]

The assessor must compare responses against the specific WHS legislation applicable to the candidate's state or territory. Specifically,

Check that the candidate's response includes specific references to relevant state or territory legislation.

Evaluate whether the candidate has correctly linked the legislation to practical impacts on workplace safety protocols.

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